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The Perfect Skincare Routine for 2022

The Perfect Skincare Routine for 2022

Ready to look your best for the new year? Here are the M&S best skincare routines for 2022!

Woman using a skincare routine, perfect skincare routine

Having a skincare routine is the perfect way to show you have your life together. Your face is the first thing people see! You walk into a room, and you want to be as radiant as you feel on the inside. There are so many products and routines out there, who’s to say which is the right one for you!

How can you keep up with all the information being thrown at you? All-natural skincare products? Off-the-shelf products from your local pharmacy? Moisturize first? What’s a retinal? Is this serum better than that cream?

Using the wrong skincare products could make them totally ineffective and you lose what could be an hour's worth of work. Not to mention, you’d be flushing hard-earned money down the drain!

Here is the best skincare routine you can have for beautiful, radiant skin!


Ladies! While we all know you look beautiful in your makeup and spent a lot of time putting it on, you have to take it off! A cleanser will help take all the dirt and grime from your face. In order for the ingredients in the next products to work, your face needs to be free of all the dirt and grime from the day AND the night.

Instead of using makeup wipes or anything like those, opt for using a cleansing oil. The wipes tend to leave behind a heavy residue that can clog your pores and make your skin break out and cause irritation. The cleansing oil helps dissolve your makeup without stripping your skin.

After using the cleansing oil, use a creamy cleanser, especially if you have acne-prone skin. This step is best done in the morning and at night.


This step can be done in the day and/or night. It’s not required to do both. Toners are gentle on your skin and made to hydrate dry skin. Some will even exfoliate your skin to help treat acne and bumps. By using a toner, you’re prepping your skin for the next step. The ingredients you use in the next products will be properly absorbed into the skin. It is said that toner is optional, but for best results, we recommend you use it. Make sure your toner doesn’t smell like alcohol. If it does, it will do more harm than good!


This is another optional piece that can be used day and/or night.
A serum is a highly concentrated boost of nutrients, hydrators, and antioxidants. These are made to improve your skin’s health. There is a ton of different serums out there. You can use a vitamin C serum in the morning to give your skin the boost of specific vitamins that it needs to be ready for the day.
If you choose to use a serum at night as well, try and find a hyaluronic acid-filled serum. This serum will pull water from the air and fill your skin. This preps your skin with as much moisture as possible. Using a serum is perfect, especially if you’re using retinol as well.

Eye Cream

This step is essential for both daytime and nighttime use. While this isn’t a necessity for all people, it does help boost the look around your eyes.

Eye cream is typically a thinner and lighter cream that is applied before you start applying any of the heavier creams. As a typical rule of thumb, according to dermatologists, start with the lighter creams and work your way to the heavier ones.

eye opening, healthy eyes

Spot Treatment

This step is ideally done at night. Your body is going to work its hardest to repair zits, scars, and dark spots while you sleep. Depending on if you used an acne-fighting toner or going to use a retinol, then you should use the spot treatment in the morning. Spot treatments are best applied before you apply any moisturizers.

It is best to find a spot treatment product that has hydroquinone in it. This works fast but if you have sensitive skin, it’s not recommended. A spot treatment with niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is best for gently brightening marks and scars.


We’ve talked a bit about using moisturizers throughout this article, now it’s time to say, you NEED to be using a moisturizer! This should always be done twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. Regardless of your skin type, you need to be using a moisturizer. This is a key piece of your perfect skincare routine!

The moisturizer helps the skin barrier on your face look healthy and happy. Moisturizers infuse with your face and help hydrate your face while trapping all the previous products you applied to your face.

Woman applying moisturizer for her skincare routine

This also reinforces the need for a facial cleanser! The moisturizer is going to lock those other products in and without removing them, your face is going to be clogged.


Another product that we have discussed heavily so far. Retinal only needs to be applied at night. Retinoids, or the general term for vitamin A, help speed up cell turnover. This causes your body to create fresh, smooth, skin. It’s often used as an anti-aging product to help your face look young and fresh every day. If you want results, you’ll need to be applying the retinol for at least four to six months consistently to have the best results.

fruits and vegetables packed with nutrients, nurtients


This is another product that can be used in the morning and/or the night. Face oils seal in all the ingredients and the moisture that you applied to your face. This prevents any of that moisture from evaporating quickly. The oil is not actually going to moisturize your face but what it will do is lock in those layers you applied beforehand. Your skin is going to be left soft, smooth, and beautiful. Make sure you apply all your oils last!

If you’re looking to give your skincare routine a natural boost, then check out our full line of all-natural skincare products. With M&S, you will find all that you need with only the most natural ingredients. All-natural products come crafted with only the purest ingredients so your body will receive only the best. You want to look your best and we want you to look your best. Shop M&S skincare today!

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