Keep your skin looking youthful and radiant this summer and spring with all natural sunscreen!

The weather is gorgeous! You deserve to spend your time outside.

Getting enough sunlight is amazing for your body. Just spending an hour outside a day will improve your overall health. But, too much time in the sun has a negative effect on your body. It’s something we all need to be mindful of the next time we decide to spend some time outside.
Benefits of the Sun
Getting at least one hour of sunshine every day is going to boost your overall health and provide you with amazing health benefits. Our bodies naturally produce melatonin at night, which is critical for helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. The sun regulates your circadian rhythm. That’s what helps tell your body whether to increase or decrease your melatonin levels.
Melatonin is also wonderful for reducing stress. Melatonin helps lower stress reactivity. By being active outside, you’re working your body which also helps lower stress as well.

The sun provides Vitamin D, a vitamin that is critical for your immune system. Exposure to sunlight strengthens it! Having a strong amount of Vitamin D will help reduce illness, infections, and mortality after surgery.
It’s scientifically proven that sunshine can even fight depression. While you’re getting that boost of melatonin and vitamin D, just an hour outside can also boost your serotonin levels. Serotonin improves your mood, helps you stay calm, and keeps you focused. The increased sun exposure will also ease off the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. SAD typically occurs in the winter months when the amount of sunlight is less
But how could something that has so many amazing health benefits, cause any issues? 3
How the Sun Affects Your Skin
Sunlight provides ultraviolet (UV) light. This is similar to what light is found in a tanning bed. While being out in the sun will help brighten your mood and help you sleep better, UV light is incredibly harmful for your skin.
The lighter your skin is, the easier it is for you to get sun damage. Still, no matter the color of your skin, you can still be affected by sun damage.
You can see things like early wrinkling, sagging skin, and even age spots in some places. Ultraviolet radiation will cause the DNA in your skin to prematurely age. UVA light is a form of solar radiation that damages all levels of the skin. The deeper levels of skin contain collagen and elastin fibers. Both of these parts help aid in youthful tautness and elasticity.
If that’s not scary enough, the sun can also cause you to get skin cancer. The UVB light that the sum emits damages more than the UVA in the surface layer of the skin. The UVB light can cause photoaging as well as precancerous cells on the epidermis of the skin.
Protecting your Skin Against the Sun
One of the best ways to protect your skin against sun damage and potentially cancer is to wear sunscreen when you go out into the sun. It is best to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before you go out in the sun. It is also recommended for those who sweat a lot or swim to reapply sunscreen every 2 or 3 hours. You’ll want a sunscreen that is for a broad spectrum. This protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
Many experts say that an SPF 30 or higher is highly recommended to protect against both UVA and UVB rays. For those spending more time outside, it may be best to choose an SPF 50 or higher. This is to ensure that your skin is protected against those harmful rays.

Many dermatologists recommend an all-natural sunscreen, mainly a mineral sunscreen. These are the best sunscreens for sensitive skin and the best sunscreen for acne-prone skin. These mineral sunscreens are the more “natural” product and won’t make your skin feel like it’s weighted down with heavy creams. Mineral based sunscreens are free of chemicals like oxybenzone. Oxybenzone has been detected in human blood and breast milk and has been known to negatively affect the body.
If you’re looking for all natural skin care products, then look no further then M&S skincare! Our full line of all natural skin care products will help keep your skin feeling fresh, young, and radiant! Check out our full line in our products page today!