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Chillax Magnesium Body Cream: Your Personal Muscle Whisperer

Ever feel like your muscles are tighter than a jar of pickles left in your grandma's pantry for too long? Or maybe you're tossing and turning in bed like a human fidget spinner? Hold the phone, folks. It's time to meet the superhero your weary limbs have been yearning for - Chillax Magnesium Body Cream.

Muscle aches? Pfft, so yesterday.

Loaded with a whopping magnesium chloride per teaspoon, this cream isn't just lathering your skin; it’s giving your body a Magnesium Masterclass. It's the nutritional pat-on-the-back you always needed but never got because... life.

Relaxation mode... ON!

A fun fact: Magnesium is also like a lullaby for your muscles. That’s right - massage this wonder cream on after bench pressing the world's problems or while pondering the meaning of pizza, and feel the relaxation seep into every nook and cranny like a Sunday morning sleep-in.

Sleep like a baby, wake up like a rockstar

Slap some Chillax on at night, and drift off into the kind of sleep that makes you drool just a tad. It’s like a snooze button for your body's chaotic energy. And in the AM? It’s your skin's cup of coffee - minus the caffeine jitters.

Butter up, buttercup!

With a fusion of aloe vera juice, Shea and kokum butter, your skin will be smoother than a baby seal playing in an oil slick. Say goodbye to moisturizers that leave that 'just wrestled in the kitchen' oily feeling, and hello to hydration heaven.

One-size-fits-all kinda magic

Whether you’re a muscle-bound athlete, someone trying to convince their legs to stop dancing at night, or the everyday mommy contortionist carrying a child in one arm and groceries in the other - this cream’s for you. Yeah, you, with the skin!

Serenades your senses

Packed with lavender and chamomile, it's like a field of calming flowers decided to have a party, and you're the guest of honor. And guess what? No parabens or phthalates here, so you can keep relaxing without having to wory about the toxic.

How to Become a Cream-Slinging Wizard in No Time

Alright, gather round, skincare padawans! It's time to learn the ancient ritual of Chillax Magnesium Body Cream application. It's so simple, even my cat could do it if she had thumbs... and a general interest in skincare.

First off, scoop up a dollop of this creamy dream. Don't be shy now, but also, don't go slathering it like you're icing a cake for a giant. We're aiming for a generous yet sensible amount here.

Next, approach the targeted area. This could be those grumpy muscles, your lovely legs, or even those arms that do so much lifting... of snacks to your mouth. Begin with a gentle massage, using circular motions as if you're trying to hypnotize your skin. Remember, it's not a wrestling match; you're coaxing the cream into your body, whispering sweet nothings of relaxation and hydration.

Keep at it until the cream has vanished like my resolve to eat salad for dinner, leaving behind skin so soft and muscles so chill, you'll be wondering if this is what being a cloud feels like.

Repeat this magical process daily, or as often as your heart desires. Might I suggest making it a part of your bedtime routine? Imagine drifting off to sleep while enveloped in an invisible cocoon of chill. Yup, dreams do come true.

And there you have it! You're now officially a cream-slinging wizard in the realm of skin and muscle relaxation. Wear your new title with pride, and maybe, just maybe, share your secret with a fellow weary soul. 🧙‍♂️✨

Look, we're not magicians, but we've heard users have experienced the ‘stop-in-your-tracks-I-feel-amazing’ epiphany. We're just a dollop away – so why wait? Get your hands (and every other part) on the chill factor with Chillax Magnesium Body Cream. Your muscles called, and they said "Thank you."

(Disclaimer: Your muscles won't actually call you, but imagine if they could...)

Chillax Magnesium Body Cream

Regular price $12.95
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Organic & nature based ingredients

Eco-friendly recycled materials

Handmade in Montana

Use on face & body

Chillax Magnesium Body Cream: Your Personal Muscle Whisperer

Ever feel like your muscles are tighter than a jar of pickles left in your grandma's pantry for too long? Or maybe you're tossing and turning in bed like a human fidget spinner? Hold the phone, folks. It's time to meet the superhero your weary limbs have been yearning for - Chillax Magnesium Body Cream.

Muscle aches? Pfft, so yesterday.

Loaded with a whopping magnesium chloride per teaspoon, this cream isn't just lathering your skin; it’s giving your body a Magnesium Masterclass. It's the nutritional pat-on-the-back you always needed but never got because... life.

Relaxation mode... ON!

A fun fact: Magnesium is also like a lullaby for your muscles. That’s right - massage this wonder cream on after bench pressing the world's problems or while pondering the meaning of pizza, and feel the relaxation seep into every nook and cranny like a Sunday morning sleep-in.

Sleep like a baby, wake up like a rockstar

Slap some Chillax on at night, and drift off into the kind of sleep that makes you drool just a tad. It’s like a snooze button for your body's chaotic energy. And in the AM? It’s your skin's cup of coffee - minus the caffeine jitters.

Butter up, buttercup!

With a fusion of aloe vera juice, Shea and kokum butter, your skin will be smoother than a baby seal playing in an oil slick. Say goodbye to moisturizers that leave that 'just wrestled in the kitchen' oily feeling, and hello to hydration heaven.

One-size-fits-all kinda magic

Whether you’re a muscle-bound athlete, someone trying to convince their legs to stop dancing at night, or the everyday mommy contortionist carrying a child in one arm and groceries in the other - this cream’s for you. Yeah, you, with the skin!

Serenades your senses

Packed with lavender and chamomile, it's like a field of calming flowers decided to have a party, and you're the guest of honor. And guess what? No parabens or phthalates here, so you can keep relaxing without having to wory about the toxic.

How to Become a Cream-Slinging Wizard in No Time

Alright, gather round, skincare padawans! It's time to learn the ancient ritual of Chillax Magnesium Body Cream application. It's so simple, even my cat could do it if she had thumbs... and a general interest in skincare.

First off, scoop up a dollop of this creamy dream. Don't be shy now, but also, don't go slathering it like you're icing a cake for a giant. We're aiming for a generous yet sensible amount here.

Next, approach the targeted area. This could be those grumpy muscles, your lovely legs, or even those arms that do so much lifting... of snacks to your mouth. Begin with a gentle massage, using circular motions as if you're trying to hypnotize your skin. Remember, it's not a wrestling match; you're coaxing the cream into your body, whispering sweet nothings of relaxation and hydration.

Keep at it until the cream has vanished like my resolve to eat salad for dinner, leaving behind skin so soft and muscles so chill, you'll be wondering if this is what being a cloud feels like.

Repeat this magical process daily, or as often as your heart desires. Might I suggest making it a part of your bedtime routine? Imagine drifting off to sleep while enveloped in an invisible cocoon of chill. Yup, dreams do come true.

And there you have it! You're now officially a cream-slinging wizard in the realm of skin and muscle relaxation. Wear your new title with pride, and maybe, just maybe, share your secret with a fellow weary soul. 🧙‍♂️✨

Look, we're not magicians, but we've heard users have experienced the ‘stop-in-your-tracks-I-feel-amazing’ epiphany. We're just a dollop away – so why wait? Get your hands (and every other part) on the chill factor with Chillax Magnesium Body Cream. Your muscles called, and they said "Thank you."

(Disclaimer: Your muscles won't actually call you, but imagine if they could...)

Your Skin Deserves The Best


Our products are all made by hand and at home. We monitor all of the ingredients that go into each of our products to make sure that you’re getting the best ingredients to help your skin feel and be as radiant as it should be. There are no harmful chemicals because our products only get the best!

Cruelty Free

What makes our products so unique, is with our products are made at home and by hand, and we can attest that we are 100% cruelty-free. There is no need to test on animals because we only use natural ingredients in our products to make our skincare the most effective for any type of skin.

Natural Always

Our products are all crafted and created with natural products so that you won’t have any toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your skin. These chemicals can leave your skin feeling dry and cracked, regardless of how your skincare routine is.